Lambda Labs
According to its mission statement Lambda Labs develops pioneering products of the highest quality, based on extensive experience and research.
The unison of the latest simulation models, electro acoustic knowledge, the latest materials and their own high demands creates innovations that push the boundaries of their field.
However, to be always a wavelength ahead doesn’t simply mean to develop high end products, but to shape them for the end users. Lambda Labs’ top priority is the close cooperation with them to meet or exceed their requirements. Lambda Labs builds on the renown Austrian quality standards. To achieve this, the development, assembly and quality control exclusively takes place in St. Pölten near Vienna and is exclusively performed by qualified personnel.
Intelligently scalable systems, without compromise at any level. Compact, incredible power to weight ratio, and audiophile quality sound.

A few of our favourite products
We didn’t count them yet. But in any case there are a lot of two way 12" loudspeakers out there. And some of them raise the bar pretty high. However in order to provide the audience with a new and impressive listening experience and likewise underline performance and multifunctionality, the Lambda Labs engineers hit the trail to find the TX-2A. And they found it. But not on an out stamped trail, but on new methodical and systematical trails.

Its power demand is fed by two integrated DSP amplifying modules with 800 and 200 Watt RMS each. The one who’s that rich, should be able to share we thought, and therefore we enhanced the social preparedness of the CX-1A: Each CX-1A version can be connected in parallel with up to two CX-1B versions, what simplifies a complex setup with multiple CX-1 speakers immensely, accelerates the cabling heavily while an investment gets more economic.
The best fully hornloaded system in the world?